
The FRAME principle

WinLIKE-Windows are treated like FRAMES. Therefore a link with a TARGET-property can load an HTML-page into a window with the requested name.

Creating a window

A WinLIKE-Window can be displayed on the website in three different ways.

1) On an HTML-page it is defined as standard and will be shown right from the start with contents.

2) The window is also defined right from the beginning, but without content and invisible. Only with a click on a special link the window with its content will be rendered visible.

3) The window is not defined, but a special link refers to that window. On choosing that link, a standard window will be created and filled with the content of that link.


To open a window with a distinct size, position, skin etc. with a link, just do the following:

Code a link of the form <A HREF="hallo.html" TARGET=new>...</A>. In your WinLIKE-page you should also declare a window called new (j.Nam='new';) and make it invisible (j.Vis=false;).

A click on the link will subsequently render the window new visible and will load hallo.html into it.

Link types
(try also shift- or right-click)

No target - the current window will be overwritten <A HREF="hallo.html">
No target - the current window will be overwritten <A HREF="test.gif">
No target - the current window will be overwritten <A HREF="test.pdf">
Own window called links will be overwritten <A HREF="hallo.html#bottom" TARGET="links">
Window new exists and will be displayed <A HREF="hallo.html#bottom" TARGET="new">
Link to window new with a querystring <A HREF="hallo.html?a=b+c&d=8" TARGET="new">
Window does not exists, default window with the name xyz will be created <A HREF="hallo.html" TARGET="xyz">
Window does not exists, default window with the name xyz will be created or formerly created window will be overwritten <A HREF="" TARGET="xyz">
default target (_blank) <A HREF="hallo.html" TARGET=_blank>
default target (_top) <A HREF="hallo.html" TARGET=_top>
special link Name e.g. for frames (turns WinLIKE off) <A HREF="frame.html" NAME=WLoff_ TARGET=myframe>
special link Name e.g. for downloads (turns WinLIKE off) <A HREF="test.exe" NAME=WLoff_>
special link Name (turns WinLIKE off) <A HREF="" NAME=WLoff_>
special link Name (turns WinLIKE off) <A HREF="javascript:alert('hallo')">
Mail-Link <A HREF="">
Image-Map with links to windows

ALT key

If you hold down the ALT key while clicking a link, the target window will not be overwritten, but a new window (a copy) will be created. Later, the original window will not be loaded on a left click anymore, but only the new window.