脚本说明: 第一步:把如下代码加入<head>区域中: <script language="javascript"> <!--Hide //timer speed = 10; //Array to make Objects Imagi = new Array(); //numbers of Link no_of_images = 0; currentImage = -1;
function checkBrowser() { var bname = navigator.appName; var ver = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); if (bname == "Netscape" && ver >= 3 || bname == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && ver >= 4) ; else { alert('You need Netscape Navigator 3 and above or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and above') } }
//The Image Object function ImageObject(Name, OffSrcPro, OffSrc, OnSrcPro, OnSrc, Width, Height, Alt, Border, URL, LinkTarget) { this.Name = Name; this.OffSrcPro = OffSrcPro; this.OffSrc = OffSrc; this.OnSrcPro = OnSrcPro; this.OnSrc = OnSrc; this.Width = Width; this.Height = Height; this.Alt = Alt; this.Border = Border; this.URL = URL; this.LinkTarget = LinkTarget; this.length = 11; }
function headerSelect(grut, grutv) { if (grut.options[0].selected) { grutv.value = ""; } else { for (var y=0; y < grut.length; y++) { if (grut.options[y].selected) { grutv.value = ""; grutv.value += grut.options[y].text; } } } }
//Function Performing Form Validation function checkMe(Me) { with(Me) { SrcBox1.focus(); SrcBox1.blur(); SrcBox2.focus(); SrcBox2.blur(); if (URLBox.value == "http://" || URLBox.value == "") { alert("连接的URL没有设置"); URLBox.focus(); return false; } if (SrcBox1.value == "") { alert("MouseOut图片尚未设置"); SrcBox1.focus(); return false; } if (SrcBox2.value == "") { alert("MouseOver图片尚未设置"); SrcBox2.focus(); return false; } if (NameBox.value == "") { alert("图片尚未命名"); NameBox.focus(); return false; } return true; } }
function checkAndShow() { with(window.document.mouseOverForm.Images) { if (options.length != 0) { for(var i=0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options[i].selected) { with(window.document.mouseOverForm) { URLBox.value = Imagi[i].URL; TargetBox.value = Imagi[i].LinkTarget; HeadSrc1.value = Imagi[i].OffSrcPro; HeadSrc2.value = Imagi[i].OnSrcPro; SrcBox1.value = Imagi[i].OffSrc; SrcBox2.value = Imagi[i].OnSrc; NameBox.value = Imagi[i].Name; BorderBox.value = Imagi[i].Border AltBox.value = Imagi[i].Alt; WidthBox.value = Imagi[i].Width; HeightBox.value = Imagi[i].Height; currentImage = i; if (HeadSrc1.value == "file:///") Header1.options[1].selected = true; else if (HeadSrc1.value == "http://") Header1.options[2].selected = true; else if (HeadSrc1.value == "") Header1.options[0].selected = true; if (HeadSrc2.value == "file:///") Header2.options[1].selected = true; else if (HeadSrc2.value == "http://") Header2.options[2].selected = true; else if (HeadSrc2.value == "") Header2.options[0].selected = true; } } } } } }
function insertItem() { with(window.document.mouseOverForm) { if (checkMe(window.document.mouseOverForm)) { Imagi[no_of_images] = new ImageObject(NameBox.value, HeadSrc1.value, SrcBox1.value,
HeadSrc2.value, SrcBox2.value, WidthBox.value, HeightBox.value,
AltBox.value, BorderBox.value, URLBox.value, TargetBox.value); Images.length += 1; Images.options[Images.length - 1].text = Imagi[no_of_images].Name; ++no_of_images; CleanBoxes(window.document.mouseOverForm); CleanBoxes(window.document.mouseOverForm); } } }
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function UpdateOption() { with(window.document.mouseOverForm) { if (currentImage != -1) { if (confirm("确信要更新这些数据?")) { Imagi[currentImage].URL = URLBox.value; Imagi[currentImage].LinkTarget = TargetBox.value; Imagi[currentImage].Name = NameBox.value; Imagi[currentImage].OffSrcPro = HeadSrc1.value; Imagi[currentImage].OnSrcPro = HeadSrc2.value; Imagi[currentImage].OffSrc = SrcBox1.value; Imagi[currentImage].OnSrc = SrcBox2.value; Imagi[currentImage].Width = WidthBox.value; Imagi[currentImage].Height = HeightBox.value; Imagi[currentImage].Alt = AltBox.value; Imagi[currentImage].Border = BorderBox.value; Images.options[currentImage].text = Imagi[currentImage].Name; alert("数据已经更新!"); CleanBoxes(window.document.mouseOverForm); CleanBoxes(window.document.mouseOverForm); } } else alert("你尚未选择任何项目!"); } }
function removeIt() { if (document.mouseOverForm.Images.selectedIndex < 0) alert("你尚未选择任何项目!");
with(document.mouseOverForm.Images) { for (var t=0; t < length; t++) { if (options[t].selected) { if (confirm("确信移去图片?")) { for(var z = t; z < length-1; z++) { Imagi[z].URL = Imagi[z+1].URL; Imagi[z].LinkTarget = Imagi[z+1].LinkTarget; Imagi[z].OffSrcPro = Imagi[z+1].OffSrcPro; Imagi[z].OnSrcPro = Imagi[z+1].OnSrcPro; Imagi[z].OffSrc = Imagi[z+1].OffSrc; Imagi[z].OnSrc = Imagi[z+1].OnSrc; Imagi[z].Name = Imagi[z+1].Name; Imagi[z].Border = Imagi[z+1].Border; Imagi[z].Alt = Imagi[z+1].Alt; Imagi[z].Height = Imagi[z+1].Height; Imagi[z].Width = Imagi[z+1].Width; } Imagi.length -= 1; --no_of_images; options[t] = null; CleanBoxes(window.document.mouseOverForm); } } } } }
function Debug() { var no = prompt("Please enter the Object number you want to debug", ""); var second_argu = "Imagi[" + no + "]"; show_props(Imagi[no], second_argu); }
//for debugging usage function show_props(obj, obj_name) { var result = ""; for (var i in obj) result += obj_name + "." + i + " = " + obj[i] + "\n"; alert(result); }
//Clean the options[0] when page loaded function Clean() { abc = document.mouseOverForm.Images; if (Imagi.length == 0 && abc.length != 0) { for(var loop = 0; loop < abc.length; loop++) abc.options[loop] = null; } }
//Clean the value in the fields function CleanBoxes(argv) { var x = 0; //counter while(x != argv.length - 1) { if (argv.elements[x].type == "text") { argv.elements[x].value = ""; } x++; argv.URLBox.value = "http://"; argv.Header1.options[0].selected = true; argv.Header2.options[0].selected = true; argv.HeadSrc1.focus(); argv.HeadSrc1.blur(); argv.HeadSrc1.value = ""; argv.HeadSrc2.focus(); argv.HeadSrc2.blur(); argv.HeadSrc2.value = ""; argv.SrcBox1.focus(); argv.SrcBox1.blur(); argv.SrcBox1.value = ""; argv.SrcBox2.focus(); argv.SrcBox2.blur(); argv.SrcBox2.value = ""; argv.URLBox.focus(); } }
closedd = true; function PopDrive(no) { if (closedd) { Box = no; First = '<html><body bgcolor="white" text="#000000" link="#000099"
vlink="#663366" alink="#ff0000" onUnLoad="window.opener.closedd = true;" >
<center><br><form><input type="file" name="Drive"><br><br>
<input type="Button" value="OK" name="OK" onClick="window.opener.Make
(document.forms[0], ' + Box + '); ' + 'window.opener.CheckAndChange(' + Box + '); ' + '">
<input type="Button" name="Cancel" value="Cancel"
onClick="window.close();window.opener.closedd = true;"></form></center>
<blockquote><font face="宋体" size=2>通过"浏览"按钮从硬盘上选择图片文件,
然后按"OK"继续。</font></blockquote></body></html>'; Pop = window.open("", "DriveWin", "Width=350,Height=200,resizable=yes"); Pop.document.open(); Pop.document.write(First); closedd = false; } else Pop.focus(); } function Make(na, no) { na.Drive.focus(); na.Drive.blur(); if (na.Drive.value == "") { alert("文件尚未选择!"); Pop.focus(); } else { if (no == 1) { document.mouseOverForm.SrcBox1.value = na.Drive.value; document.mouseOverForm.Header1.options[1].selected = true; document.mouseOverForm.HeadSrc1.value = "file:///"; } else if (no == 2) { document.mouseOverForm.SrcBox2.value = na.Drive.value; document.mouseOverForm.Header1.options[1].selected = true; document.mouseOverForm.HeadSrc2.value = "file:///"; } Pop.close(); window.closedd = true; } }
//Check the image source, then change the protocol if needed function CheckAndChange(no) { if (no == 1) { SrcBox = document.mouseOverForm.SrcBox1; Selection = document.mouseOverForm.Header1; ProtocolBox = document.mouseOverForm.HeadSrc1; } else if (no == 2) { SrcBox = document.mouseOverForm.SrcBox2; Selection = document.mouseOverForm.Header2; ProtocolBox = document.mouseOverForm.HeadSrc2; }
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var find2 = SrcBox.value.indexOf("/") if (SrcBox.value.indexOf(":\\") > 0 || SrcBox.value.indexOf("|/") > 0) { Selection.options[1].selected = true; ProtocolBox.value = "file:///"; var cr = SrcBox.value.indexOf(":\\"); if (cr >= 0) { SrcBox.value = stringInsert(SrcBox.value, "|", cr); for(var countIt = cr; countIt < SrcBox.value.length; countIt++) { var Athere = SrcBox.value.charAt(countIt); if (Athere == "\\") SrcBox.value = stringInsert(SrcBox.value, "/", countIt); } } } else if ((SrcBox.value.indexOf(".com") > 0) || (SrcBox.value.indexOf(".edu") > 0) ||
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(SrcBox.value.indexOf(".gov") > 0) || (SrcBox.value.indexOf(".mil") > 0) ||
(SrcBox.value.indexOf(".arpa") > 0) || (SrcBox.value.indexOf(".int") > 0))
{ Selection.options[2].selected = true; ProtocolBox.value = "http://"; } else if (find2 > 0) { var yes = 0; var c = 0; var Stringoo2 = SrcBox.value.substring(0, find2); for(var a = 0; a < 3; a++) { var b = Stringoo2.indexOf(".", c); if (b > 0) { c = b + 1; yes++; } } if (yes == 3) { Selection.options[2].selected = true; ProtocolBox.value = "http://"; } } else { Selection.options[0].selected = true; ProtocolBox.value = ""; }
if (SrcBox.value != "") { var Stringo = SrcBox.value.toUpperCase(); if (Stringo.indexOf(".GIF") < 0 && Stringo.indexOf(".JPG") < 0 && Stringo.indexOf(".JPEG") < 0
&& Stringo.indexOf(".PNG") < 0) { alert("看样子没有设置正确的图片文件:)"); SrcBox.focus(); } } }
function stringInsert(initial, replace, position) {
return newVal;
} function isDigit(form) { for (var x = 0; x < form.value.length; x++) { var y = form.value.charAt(x); var g = parseInt(y); if (g >= 0 && g <= 9) ; else { alert("非法的参数!"); form.focus(); return false; } } return true; } function InsertBelow() { with(window.document.mouseOverForm) { if(Images.selectedIndex != -1) { for(var g=0; g < Imagi.length - 1; g++) { if (Images.options[g].selected) { var r = no_of_images; Imagi[r] = new ImageObject( Imagi[r-1].Name, Imagi[r-1].OffSrcPro, Imagi[r-1].OffSrc,
Imagi[r-1].OnSrcPro, Imagi[r-1].OnSrc, Imagi[r-1].Width, Imagi[r-1].Height, Imagi[r-1].Alt,
Imagi[r-1].Border, Imagi[r-1].URL, Imagi[r-1].LinkTarget ); for(var p = Imagi.length-2; p > g; p--) { Imagi[p].Name = Imagi[p-1].Name; Imagi[p].OffSrcPro = Imagi[p-1].OffSrcPro; Imagi[p].OffSrc = Imagi[p-1].OffSrc; Imagi[p].OnSrcPro = Imagi[p-1].OnSrcPro; Imagi[p].OnSrc = Imagi[p-1].OnSrc; Imagi[p].Width = Imagi[p-1].Width; Imagi[p].Height = Imagi[p-1].Height; Imagi[p].Alt = Imagi[p-1].Alt; Imagi[p].Border = Imagi[p-1].Border; Imagi[p].URL = Imagi[p-1].URL; Imagi[p].LinkTarget = Imagi[p-1].LinkTarget; }
Imagi[g+1].URL = URLBox.value; Imagi[g+1].LinkTarget = TargetBox.value; Imagi[g+1].Name = NameBox.value; Imagi[g+1].OffSrcPro = HeadSrc1.value; Imagi[g+1].OnSrcPro = HeadSrc2.value; Imagi[g+1].OffSrc = SrcBox1.value; Imagi[g+1].OnSrc = SrcBox2.value; Imagi[g+1].Width = WidthBox.value; Imagi[g+1].Height = HeightBox.value; Imagi[g+1].Alt = AltBox.value; Imagi[g+1].Border = BorderBox.value; no_of_images++; Images.length += 1;
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Imagi[r-1].OnSrcPro, Imagi[r-1].OnSrc, Imagi[r-1].Width, Imagi[r-1].Height, Imagi[r-1].Alt,
Imagi[r-1].Border, Imagi[r-1].URL, Imagi[r-1].LinkTarget );
for(var p = Imagi.length-2; p > g; p--) { Imagi[p].Name = Imagi[p-1].Name; Imagi[p].OffSrcPro = Imagi[p-1].OffSrcPro; Imagi[p].OffSrc = Imagi[p-1].OffSrc; Imagi[p].OnSrcPro = Imagi[p-1].OnSrcPro; Imagi[p].OnSrc = Imagi[p-1].OnSrc; Imagi[p].Width = Imagi[p-1].Width; Imagi[p].Height = Imagi[p-1].Height; Imagi[p].Alt = Imagi[p-1].Alt; Imagi[p].Border = Imagi[p-1].Border; Imagi[p].URL = Imagi[p-1].URL; Imagi[p].LinkTarget = Imagi[p-1].LinkTarget; } Imagi[g+1].URL = URLBox.value; Imagi[g+1].LinkTarget = TargetBox.value; Imagi[g+1].Name = NameBox.value; Imagi[g+1].OffSrcPro = HeadSrc1.value; Imagi[g+1].OnSrcPro = HeadSrc2.value; Imagi[g+1].OffSrc = SrcBox1.value; Imagi[g+1].OnSrc = SrcBox2.value; Imagi[g+1].Width = WidthBox.value; Imagi[g+1].Height = HeightBox.value; Imagi[g+1].Alt = AltBox.value; Imagi[g+1].Border = BorderBox.value; no_of_images++; Images.length += 1;
for(var b = Images.options.length - 1; b > g; b--) { Images.options[b].text = Images.options[b-1].text; } Images.options[g+1].text = Imagi[g+1].Name; CleanBoxes(window.document.mouseOverForm); } else alert("缺少项目!") } } }
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" var Compatible = (BrowserName == \"Netscape\" && BrowserVer == 3) ||
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"Microsoft Internet Explorer\" || BrowserVer == 4)\r" + " return Compatible;\r" + "}\r\r";
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" img.src = tothis.src;\r" + " }\r" + "}\r\r";
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HeadCode += xName + "Off = new Image();\r"; HeadCode += xName + "Off.src = " + "\"" + xNameOff + "\";" + "\r"; HeadCode += xName + "On = new Image();\r"; HeadCode += xName + "On.src = " + "\"" + xNameOn + "\";" + "\r"; BodyCode += "<A HREF=\""+ Imagi[count].URL + "\"" + Target + " " + MouseOver + " " + MouseOut + ">
<IMG SRC=\"" + xNameOff + "\" NAME=\"" + xName + "\"" + Border + Alt + Width + Height + ">
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height=420,status=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes"); Emulate.document.clear(); Emulate.document.write('<html><head><title>Code generated</title></head>
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