文件名 | 大小 | 文件说明 |
calc3.zip | 3K | Birthday Day What day were you born on? 计算出生日期 |
calc2.zip | 8K | Car Prices Compare the cost of vehicles. 比较交通费用大小 |
calc6.zip | 5K | Life Savings Calculate how much you will save in your lifetime. 计算你的一生可以存多少钱 |
calc5.zip | 3K | Miles Per Gallon Calculate how many miles per gallon you get. 计算你可以达到多少英里每加仑 |
mortgage.zip | 3K | Mortgage 1 Mortgage Calculator using either the Canadian or U.S. Formula. 使用加拿大或美国规则计算抵押 |
mortgage2.zip | 2K | Mortgage 2 Javascript Loan calculator 贷款计算器 |
calc4.zip | 3K | Transfer Rate Calculate how long to transfer a file at different baud rates. 计算不同速度下传送一个文件需要花费多少时间 |
calc4.zip | 3K | Transfer Rate Calculate how long to transfer a file at different baud rates. 计算不同速度下传送一个文件需要花费的时间数 |
adder.zip | 3K | CalcApplet This cool applet is a standard calculator that lets you add, subtract, multiply and divide. 标准的计算器,可以进行加、减、乘、除 |