脚本说明: 第一步:把如下代码加入<body>区域中 <script language="javascript"> var key = ""; function makeEntry (){ this.Name=""; this.URL = ""; this.Desc = ""; this.Category = ""; this.Target = ""; return this; }
function makeArray(n) { this.length = n; for (var k = 1; k <= n; k++) { this[k] = ""; } return this; }
function makeLinks(size) { this.length = size; for (var r=1; r<= size; r++) { this[r] = new makeEntry(); this[r].Name = namesArray[r]; this[r].URL = urlsArray[r]; this[r].Desc = descArray[r]; this[r].Category = categoryArray[r]; this[r].Target = targetArray[r]; } return this; }
var linksize=0
datesArray = new makeArray(linksize); namesArray = new makeArray(linksize); urlsArray = new makeArray(linksize); descArray = new makeArray(linksize); categoryArray = new makeArray(linksize); targetArray = new makeArray(linksize);
var arraycount=0
<!-- 数据库部分由此开始 --> arraycount += 1 urlsArray[arraycount] = "http://java2000.126.com" namesArray[arraycount] = "java脚本资源站Chinese-GB" descArray[arraycount] = "java, javascript, scripts, applet, html, dhtml ,activex, midi, search, downloads, 脚本, free, 免费资源" categoryArray[arraycount] = "最酷的java脚本资源站,大量详细的java源代码和实例说明!" targetArray[arraycount] = "target=_blank"
arraycount += 1 urlsArray[arraycount] = "http://members.aol.com/MASTER54X/Anime.html" namesArray[arraycount] = "Anime Master" descArray[arraycount] = "anime master, anime, project a-ko, vampire hunter D, tenchi muyo, bubblegum crisis, sailor moon, sailormoon, gunsmith cats, slayers, all purpose cultural cat girl nuku nuku, plastic little, devil hunter yohko, iria: zeiram the animation, iria, ranma 1/2, ranma, fist of the north star, multimedia, galleries, pic galleries, picture gallery, image gallery, image galleries" categoryArray[arraycount] = "Multimedia, Image galleries for project a-ko, vampire hunter D, tenchi muyo, bubblegum crisis, sailormoon, gunsmith cats, slayers, all purpose cultural cat girl nuku nuku, plastic little, devil hunter yohko, iria: zeiram the animation, ranma 1/2, and fist of the north star." targetArray[arraycount] = "target=_blank"
arraycount += 1 urlsArray[arraycount] = "http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/6508/" namesArray[arraycount] = "The Anime Shrine" descArray[arraycount] = "the anime shrine, anime shrine, anime, the anime shrine, anime shrine, manga, saintseiya, fushigiyuugi, fushigi yuugi, evangelion, neon genesis evangelion, eva, ranma, ranma 1/2" categoryArray[arraycount] = "this is a fairly large site with large image galleries from many dif animes, many links, gives out awards, has 3 voting shrines, also sub-Shrines for Fushigi Yuugi, SaintSeiya, Evangelion, and Ranma 1/2. And much more! Must see!" targetArray[arraycount] = "target=_blank"
arraycount += 1 urlsArray[arraycount] = "http://home.taegu.net/~virus/" namesArray[arraycount] = "Evangelion Site" descArray[arraycount] = "evangelion site, anime, evangelion, neon genesis, neon genesis evangelion, eva, neon, genesis" categoryArray[arraycount] = "This site is about evangelion, but available in Korean only..." targetArray[arraycount] = "target=_blank"
arraycount += 1 urlsArray[arraycount] = "http://animeonline.org/" namesArray[arraycount] = "The Animeonline Network" descArray[arraycount] = "the animeonline network, anime, animecca, news, information, anime magazine, magazine, zine, e-zine" categoryArray[arraycount] = "Your Online Anime Magazine!" targetArray[arraycount] = "target=_blank"
arraycount += 1 urlsArray[arraycount] = "http://www.visi.com/~vdgaijin/gaijin.html" namesArray[arraycount] = "Psychommu Gaijin Anime E-zine" descArray[arraycount] = "psychommu gaijin anime e-zine, anime, music, links, news, information, e-zine, zine" categoryArray[arraycount] = "Our aim is to provide you with news and information on some of the coolest aspects of Anime. Old and new! So come on in and enjoy!" targetArray[arraycount] = "target=_blank"
arraycount += 1 urlsArray[arraycount] = "http://the.animearchive.org/" namesArray[arraycount] = "Ultimate Animanga Archive" descArray[arraycount] = "ultimate animanga archive, anime, manga, images, pictures, image gallery, midi, image galleries, music, chat, information, descriptions, info" categoryArray[arraycount] = "Searchable page of images, info, and descriptions of anime OAVs and series." targetArray[arraycount] = "target=_blank"
arraycount += 1 urlsArray[arraycount] = "http://otakuworld.com/" namesArray[arraycount] = "Otaku World" descArray[arraycount] = "otaku world, anime, manga, desktop themes, anime themes, search engine, link database, web rings, web ring" categoryArray[arraycount] = "One of the largest multimedia anime sources on the web!" targetArray[arraycount] = "target=_blank"
arraycount += 1 urlsArray[arraycount] = "http://www.usagi.com" namesArray[arraycount] = "Usagi.com" descArray[arraycount] = "usagi.com, anime, manga, links, link, database, tenchi, tenchi muyo, download, multimedia" categoryArray[arraycount] = "Your guide to the online anime community!" targetArray[arraycount] = "target=_blank"
arraycount += 1 urlsArray[arraycount] = "http://www.si.hhs.nl/~v962343/home.html" namesArray[arraycount] = "Richie's Place" descArray[arraycount] = "richie's place, anime, manga, pictures, pics, movies, links, gif animations, animation, hentai, java, link" categoryArray[arraycount] = "Richie's Place! Over 30 pages! with a picture gallery, movies, gif animations, games, java and more." targetArray[arraycount] = "target=_blank"
linksize = arraycount;
// ----数据库结束 ------ // ----以下是输出结果检索结果的页面代码 ----
function searchLinks(links, keyword){ document.write("<BODY fontsize='2' BGCOLOR='#000000' TEXT='#ffffff' LINK='#ccffcc' VLINK='#ffffff'>") document.write("搜索关键字结果: <strong>" +keyword +"</strong><br><br>"); for (var q=1; q<=links.length; q++) {
if (links[q].URL.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) != -1){ document.write("<a href=" + links[q].URL +" " + links[q].Target + ">" + links[q].Name + "</a> - "); document.write( links[q].Category + "<br><br>"); continue; } if (links[q].Desc.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) != -1) { document.write("<a href=" + links[q].URL +" " + links[q].Target + ">" + links[q].Name + "</a> - "); document.write( links[q].Category + "<br><br>"); continue; } if (links[q].Name.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) != -1) { document.write("<a href=" + links[q].URL +" " + links[q].Target + ">" + links[q].Name + "</a> - "); document.write( links[q].Category + "<br><br>"); continue; }
</script> <font size="5" color="#FF0000">站内搜索引擎<br> </font><font color="#FF0000"> <font color="#000000">测试:输入关键字"java" 或中文字符"免费" 查询。</font></font> </div> <p align=Center> <form name="form"> <div align="center"> <p>查询关键字: <input type="text" size=20 name="search"> <input type="button" name="submit" value="开始查询" onClick="validate_form()" class="pt9"> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="清除" class="pt9"> <br> </p> </div> </form> <!-- 以下是合法性检测 --> <script> function validate_form() { txt = document.form.search.value; if (txt.indexOf(".") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '.'"); return;} if (txt.indexOf(",") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a ','"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("@") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '@''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("!") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '!''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("#") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '#''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("$") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '$''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("%") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '%''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("^") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '^''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("&") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '&''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("*") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '*''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("(") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '(''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf(")") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a ')''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("[") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '[''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("]") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a ']''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf(";") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a ';''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf(":") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a ':''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("<") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '<''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf(">") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '>''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("?") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '?''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("-") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '-''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("=") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '=''"); return;} if (txt.indexOf("+") != -1){ alert("Search is invalid! Contains a '+''"); return;} else { jsi = new makeLinks(linksize); searchLinks(jsi, txt); document.write("<hr>"); document.write("<a href='searchabledb2.htm'>返回检索页</a><br><br> "); //将searchabledb2.htm替换为检索页的URL,以便访问者返回检索页。 }
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