Note: This manual is out of date. It is the JavaScript Guide for JavaScript 1.1; that is, JavaScript as used by Navigator 3.x. The current manuals are the new JavaScript Guide and JavaScript Reference. As well as having information for JavaScript 1.1, these manuals have been updated to include new information for JavaScript 1.2. In addition, the JavaScript Reference includes information on server-side JavaScript objects as well as core and client-side objects. Please update your links.
If you are already familiar with JavaScript in Navigator, skim the material in Part 1, paying particular attention to the chapters that discuss more advanced topics: Chapter 3, "Using windows and frames" and Chapter 5, "Advanced topics." You can then use the reference material as needed.
http://server.domain/path/file.htmlIn these URLs, server represents the name of the server on which you are running LiveWire, such as "
" or "www
," and domain represents your Internet domain name, such as "
" or "
." If you have configured your proxy, you might not need to specify your domain name when the client itself is within the domain. In general, italic items in URLs are variables, and items in normal Courier font are literals.
This book uses the following typographical conventions: