<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var JDWMinNS4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0 && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) ? 1 : 0; var JDWMinNS6 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0 && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) == 6) ? 1 : 0; var JDWMinIE4 = (document.all) ? 1 : 0; var JDWMinIE5 = (JDWMinIE4 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("5.") >= 0) ? 1 : 0; var JDWMinIE55 = (JDWMinIE5 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("5.5") >= 0) ? 1 : 0; function hideLayer(layer) { if (JDWMinNS4) layer.visibility = "hide"; if (JDWMinIE4) layer.style.visibility = "hidden"; } function showLayer(layer) { if (JDWMinNS4) layer.visibility = "show"; if (JDWMinIE4) layer.style.visibility = "visible"; } function inheritLayer(layer) { if (JDWMinNS4) layer.visibility = "inherit"; if (JDWMinIE4) layer.style.visibility = "inherit"; } function getVisibility(layer) { if (JDWMinNS4) { if (layer.visibility == "show") return "visible"; if (layer.visibility == "hide") return "hidden"; return layer.visibility; 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layer = layer.offsetParent; } x += layer.offsetLeft; return x; } return -1; } function getPageTop(layer) { var y; if (JDWMinNS4) return layer.pageY; if (JDWMinIE4) { y = 0; while (layer.offsetParent != null) { y += layer.offsetTop; layer = layer.offsetParent; } y += layer.offsetTop; return y; } return -1; } function getWidth(layer) { if (JDWMinNS4) { if (layer.document.width) return layer.document.width; else return layer.clip.right - layer.clip.left; } if (JDWMinIE4) { if (layer.style.pixelWidth) return layer.style.pixelWidth; else return layer.clientWidth; } return -1; } function getHeight(layer) { if (JDWMinNS4) { if (layer.document.height) return layer.document.height; else return layer.clip.bottom - layer.clip.top; } if (JDWMinIE4) { if (layer.style.pixelHeight) return layer.style.pixelHeight; else return layer.clientHeight; } return -1; } function getzIndex(layer) { if (JDWMinNS4) return layer.zIndex; if (JDWMinIE4) return layer.style.zIndex; return -1; } function setzIndex(layer, z) { if (JDWMinNS4) layer.zIndex = z; if (JDWMinIE4) layer.style.zIndex = z; } function clipLayer(layer, clipleft, cliptop, clipright, clipbottom) { if (JDWMinNS4) { layer.clip.left = clipleft; layer.clip.top = cliptop; layer.clip.right = clipright; layer.clip.bottom = clipbottom; } if (JDWMinIE4) layer.style.clip = 'rect(' + cliptop + ' ' + clipright + ' ' + clipbottom + ' ' + clipleft +')'; } function getClipLeft(layer) { if (JDWMinNS4) return layer.clip.left; if (JDWMinIE4) { var str = layer.style.clip; if (!str) return 0; var clip = getIEClipValues(layer.style.clip); return(clip[3]); } return -1; } function getClipTop(layer) { if (JDWMinNS4) return layer.clip.top; if (JDWMinIE4) { var str = layer.style.clip; if (!str) return 0; var clip = getIEClipValues(layer.style.clip); return clip[0]; } return -1; } function getClipRight(layer) { if (JDWMinNS4) return layer.clip.right; if (JDWMinIE4) { var str = layer.style.clip; if (!str) return layer.style.pixelWidth; var clip = getIEClipValues(layer.style.clip); return clip[1]; 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clip[2] = parseInt(str.substring(i + 1, str.length), 10); i = str.indexOf(" ", i + 1); clip[3] = parseInt(str.substring(i + 1, str.length), 10); return clip; } function scrollLayerTo(layer, x, y, bound) { var dx = getClipLeft(layer) - x; var dy = getClipTop(layer) - y; scrollLayerBy(layer, -dx, -dy, bound); } function scrollLayerBy(layer, dx, dy, bound) { var cl = getClipLeft(layer); var ct = getClipTop(layer); var cr = getClipRight(layer); var cb = getClipBottom(layer); if (bound) { if (cl + dx < 0) dx = -cl; else if (cr + dx > getWidth(layer)) dx = getWidth(layer) - cr; if (ct + dy < 0) dy = -ct; else if (cb + dy > getHeight(layer)) dy = getHeight(layer) - cb; } clipLayer(layer, cl + dx, ct + dy, cr + dx, cb + dy); moveLayerBy(layer, -dx, -dy); } function setBgColor(layer, color) { if (JDWMinNS4) layer.bgColor = color; if (JDWMinIE4) layer.style.backgroundColor = color; } function setBgImage(layer, src) { if (JDWMinNS4) layer.background.src = src; if (JDWMinIE4) layer.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + src + ")"; } function getLayer(name) { if (JDWMinNS4) return findLayer(name, document); if (JDWMinIE4) return eval('document.all.' + name); return null; } function findLayer(name, doc) { var i, layer; for (i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i++) { layer = doc.layers[i]; if (layer.name == name) return layer; if (layer.document.layers.length > 0) if ((layer = findLayer(name, layer.document)) != null) return layer; } return null; } function getImage(name) { if (JDWMinNS4) { return findImage(name, document); } if (JDWMinIE4) return eval('document.all.' + name); return null; } function findImage(name, doc) { var i, img; for (i = 0; i < doc.images.length; i++) if (doc.images[i].name == name) return doc.images[i]; for (i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i++) if ((img = findImage(name, doc.layers[i].document)) != null) { img.container = doc.layers[i]; return img; } return null; } function getImagePageLeft(img) { var x, obj; if (JDWMinNS4) { if (img.container != null) return img.container.pageX + img.x; else return img.x; } if (JDWMinIE4) { x = 0; obj = img; while (obj.offsetParent != null) { x += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } x += obj.offsetLeft; return x; } return -1; } function getImagePageTop(img) { var y, obj; if (JDWMinNS4) { if (img.container != null) return img.container.pageY + img.y; else return img.y; } if (JDWMinIE4) { y = 0; obj = img; while (obj.offsetParent != null) { y += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } y += obj.offsetTop; return y; } return -1; } function getWindowWidth() { if (JDWMinNS4) return window.innerWidth; if (JDWMinIE4) return document.body.clientWidth; return -1; } function getWindowHeight() { if (JDWMinNS4) return window.innerHeight; if (JDWMinIE4) return document.body.clientHeight; return -1; } function getPageWidth() { if (JDWMinNS4) return document.width; if (JDWMinIE4) return document.body.scrollWidth; return -1; } function getPageHeight() { if (JDWMinNS4) return document.height; if (JDWMinIE4) return document.body.scrollHeight; return -1; } function getPageScrollX() { if (JDWMinNS4) return window.pageXOffset; if (JDWMinIE4) return document.body.scrollLeft; return -1; } function getPageScrollY() { if (JDWMinNS4) return window.pageYOffset; if (JDWMinIE4) return document.body.scrollTop; return -1; } // dhtml Funcs End. // bug with IE 5.5. var JDWITEMs = new Array(); // Used to track all navigation bars. /*ITEM constructor.*/ function ITEM(text, link) { this.text = text; // Item text. this.link = link; // Link URL or JavaScript code. } /*ECSmenu constructor.*/ function ECSmenu(hdrWidth, menuWidth) { this.hdrWidth = hdrWidth; this.width = menuWidth; this.height = 0; this.items = new Array(); // Define methods. this.addItem = ECSmenuaddItem; } // ECSmenu methods. function ECSmenuaddItem(item) { this.items[this.items.length] = item; } // JDWITEM constructor. function JDWITEM(width) { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.width = width; this.height = 0; this.align = "left"; this.minWidth = 0; this.inverted = false; this.menus = new Array(); this.created = false; // Set default sizes. this.border = 2; this.padding = 4; this.separator = 1; // Set default colors. this.borderColor = "#000000"; this.hdrFgColor = "#000000"; this.hdrBgColor = "#999999"; this.hdrHiFgColor = "#ffffff"; this.hdrHiBgColor = "#666666"; this.itmFgColor = "#000000"; this.itmBgColor = "#cccccc"; this.itmHiFgColor = "#ffffff"; this.itmHiBgColor = "#000080"; // Set default fonts. this.hdrFontFamily = "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"; this.hdrFontStyle = "plain"; this.hdrFontWeight = "bold"; this.hdrFontSize = "10pt"; this.itmFontFamily = "MS Sans Serif,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"; this.itmFontStyle = "plain"; this.itmFontWeight = "bold"; this.itmFontSize = "8pt"; // Define methods. this.setSizes = JDWITEMSetSizes; this.setColors = JDWITEMSetColors; this.setFonts = JDWITEMSetFonts; this.addNAVm = JDWITEMaddNAVm; this.create = JDWITEMCreate; this.hide = JDWITEMHide; this.show = JDWITEMShow; this.moveTo = JDWITEMMoveTo; this.moveBy = JDWITEMMoveBy; this.getzIndex = JDWITEMGetzIndex; this.setzIndex = JDWITEMSetzIndex; this.getWidth = JDWITEMGetWidth; this.getMinWidth = JDWITEMGetMinWidth; this.getAlign = JDWITEMGetAlign; this.setAlign = JDWITEMSetAlign; this.resize = JDWITEMResize; this.invert = JDWITEMInvert; this.isInverted = JDWITEMIsInverted; // Add to the list. this.index = JDWITEMs.length; JDWITEMs[this.index] = this; } function JDWITEMSetSizes(border, padding, separator) { if (!this.created) { this.border = border; this.padding = padding; this.separator = separator; } } function JDWITEMSetColors(bdColor, hdrFgColor, hdrBgColor, hdrHiFgColor, hdrHiBgColor, itmFgColor, itmBgColor, itmHiFgColor, itmHiBgColor) { if (!this.created) { this.borderColor = bdColor; this.hdrFgColor = hdrFgColor; this.hdrBgColor = hdrBgColor; this.hdrHiFgColor = hdrHiFgColor; this.hdrHiBgColor = hdrHiBgColor; this.itmFgColor = itmFgColor; this.itmBgColor = itmBgColor; this.itmHiFgColor = itmHiFgColor; this.itmHiBgColor = itmHiBgColor; } } function JDWITEMSetFonts(hdrFamily, hdrStyle, hdrWeight, hdrSize, itmFamily, itmStyle, itmWeight, itmSize) { if (!this.created) { this.hdrFontFamily = hdrFamily; this.hdrFontStyle = hdrStyle; this.hdrFontWeight = hdrWeight; this.hdrFontSize = hdrSize; this.itmFontFamily = itmFamily; this.itmFontStyle = itmStyle; this.itmFontWeight = itmWeight; this.itmFontSize = itmSize; } } function JDWITEMaddNAVm(menu) { if (!this.created) this.menus[this.menus.length] = menu; } function JDWITEMCreate() { var str; var i, j; var norm, high, end; var width, height; var x, y; var scrX, scrY; if (this.created || (!JDWMinNS4 && !JDWMinIE4)) return; // Build HTML for filler and header layers. str = ""; // For IE4, need to scroll to end of page before inserting HTML. if (JDWMinIE4 && !JDWMinIE5) { scrX = getPageScrollX(); scrY = getPageScrollY(); window.scrollTo(getPageWidth(), getPageHeight()); } if (JDWMinNS4) str += '<layer name="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_filler"></layer>\n' + '<layer name="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_hdrsBase">\n'; if (JDWMinIE4) str += '<div id="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_filler"' + ' style="position:absolute;">' + '</div>\n' + '<div id="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_hdrsBase"' + ' style="position:absolute;">\n'; // Build HTML for the headers. for (i = 0; i < this.menus.length; i++) { norm = '<table border=0 cellpadding=' + this.padding + ' cellspacing=0' + (this.menus[i].hdrWidth > 0 ? ' width=' + this.menus[i].hdrWidth : '') + ((JDWMinIE4 && !JDWMinIE5) ? ' id="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_tbl' + i + '"': '') + '><tr><td' + (this.menus[i].hdrWidth == 0 ? ' nowrap=1' + this.menus[i].hdrWidth : '') + '>' + '<span style="color:' + this.hdrFgColor + ';' + 'font-family:' + this.hdrFontFamily + ';' + 'font-size:' + this.hdrFontSize + ';' + 'font-style:' + this.hdrFontStyle + ';' + 'font-weight:' + this.hdrFontWeight + ';">'; high = '<table border=0 cellpadding=' + this.padding + ' cellspacing=0' + (this.menus[i].hdrWidth > 0 ? ' width=' + this.menus[i].hdrWidth : '') + '><tr><td' + (this.menus[i].hdrWidth == 0 ? ' nowrap=1' + this.menus[i].hdrWidth : '') + '>' + '<span style="color:' + this.hdrHiFgColor + ';' + 'font-family:' + this.hdrFontFamily + ';' + 'font-size:' + this.hdrFontSize + ';' + 'font-style:' + this.hdrFontStyle + ';' + 'font-weight:' + this.hdrFontWeight + ';">'; end = '</span></td></tr></table>'; if (JDWMinNS4) str += '<layer name="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_head' + i + '">' + norm + this.menus[i].items[0].text + end + '</layer>\n' + '<layer name="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_headHigh' + i + '">' + high + this.menus[i].items[0].text + end + '</layer>\n' + '<layer name="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_headDummy' + i + '">' + '</layer>\n'; if (JDWMinIE4) { str += '<div id="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_head' + i + '"' + ' style="position:absolute;">' + norm + this.menus[i].items[0].text + end + '</div>\n' + '<div id="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_headHigh' + i + '"' + ' style="position:absolute;">' + high + this.menus[i].items[0].text + end + '</div>\n' + '<div id="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_headDummy' + i + '"' + ' style="position:absolute;">'; if (JDWMinIE55) str += '<table cellspacing=0 width="100%" height="100%"><tr><td> </td></tr></table>'; str += '</div>\n'; } } if (JDWMinNS4) { str += '</layer>\n'; this.baseLayer = new Layer(this.width); this.baseLayer.document.open(); this.baseLayer.document.write(str); this.baseLayer.document.close(); } if (JDWMinIE4) { str += '</div>\n'; str = '<div id="JDWITEM' + this.index + '"' + ' style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;">\n' + str + '</div>\n'; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", str); this.baseLayer = getLayer("JDWITEM" + this.index); } // Position and G6JDWinitialize each header. width = 0; height = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.menus.length; i++) { this.menus[i].hdrNormLayer = getLayer('JDWITEM' + this.index + '_head' + i); this.menus[i].hdrHighLayer = getLayer('JDWITEM' + this.index + '_headHigh' + i); this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer = getLayer('JDWITEM' + this.index + '_headDummy' + i); height = Math.max(height, getHeight(this.menus[i].hdrNormLayer)); this.height = height + 2 * this.border; // Fix for IE4 to resize headers to fit text width. if (JDWMinIE4 && !JDWMinIE5) { width = this.menus[i].hdrWidth; if (width == 0) width = eval('document.all.JDWITEM' + this.index + '_tbl' + i + '.clientWidth'); JDWITEMIEResizeLayer(this.menus[i].hdrNormLayer, width, height); JDWITEMIEResizeLayer(this.menus[i].hdrHighLayer, width, height); JDWITEMIEResizeLayer(this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer, width, height); } } x = this.border; y = this.border; for (i = 0; i < this.menus.length; i++) { width = Math.max(this.menus[i].hdrWidth, getWidth(this.menus[i].hdrNormLayer)); if (this.menus[i].width == 0) this.menus[i].width = width + 2 * this.border; moveLayerTo(this.menus[i].hdrNormLayer, x, y); setBgColor(this.menus[i].hdrNormLayer, this.hdrBgColor); clipLayer(this.menus[i].hdrNormLayer, 0, 0, width, height); inheritLayer(this.menus[i].hdrNormLayer); moveLayerTo(this.menus[i].hdrHighLayer, x, y); setBgColor(this.menus[i].hdrHighLayer, this.hdrHiBgColor); clipLayer(this.menus[i].hdrHighLayer, 0, 0, width, height); hideLayer(this.menus[i].hdrHighLayer); moveLayerTo(this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer, x, y); if (JDWMinIE4) JDWITEMIEResizeLayer(this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer, width, height); clipLayer(this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer, 0, 0, width, height); inheritLayer(this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer); this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.highLayer = this.menus[i].hdrHighLayer; this.menus[i].hdrLeft = x; x += width + this.border; this.menus[i].hdrRight = x; } // Save resulting width of headers and total width. this.minWidth = x; this.width = Math.max(this.minWidth, this.width); // Position and G6JDWinitialize base, filler and headers base layers. moveLayerTo(this.baseLayer, this.x, this.y); setBgColor(this.baseLayer, this.borderColor); if (JDWMinIE4) JDWITEMIEResizeLayer(this.baseLayer, this.width, this.height); clipLayer(this.baseLayer, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.fillerLayer = getLayer('JDWITEM' + this.index + '_filler'); moveLayerTo(this.fillerLayer, this.border, this.border); setBgColor(this.fillerLayer, this.hdrBgColor); width = this.width - 2 * this.border; height = this.height - 2 * this.border; if (JDWMinIE4) JDWITEMIEResizeLayer(this.fillerLayer, width, height); clipLayer(this.fillerLayer, 0, 0, width, height); inheritLayer(this.fillerLayer); this.hdrsBaseLayer = getLayer('JDWITEM' + this.index + '_hdrsBase'); if (this.align == "left") this.hdrsOffsetX = 0; else if (this.align == "center") this.hdrsOffsetX = Math.round((this.width - this.minWidth) / 2); else if (this.align == "right") this.hdrsOffsetX = this.width - this.minWidth; else this.hdrsOffsetX = Math.min(parseInt(this.align, 10), this.width - this.minWidth); moveLayerTo(this.hdrsBaseLayer, this.hdrsOffsetX, 0); setBgColor(this.hdrsBaseLayer, this.borderColor); if (JDWMinIE4) JDWITEMIEResizeLayer(this.hdrsBaseLayer, this.minWidth, this.height); clipLayer(this.hdrsBaseLayer, 0, 0, this.minWidth, this.height); inheritLayer(this.hdrsBaseLayer); // Set up event handling and positioning for headers. for (i = 0; i < this.menus.length; i++) { this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.index = this.index; this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.offsetX = this.menus[i].hdrLeft - this.border; if (this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.offsetX + this.menus[i].width > this.width) this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.offsetX = this.menus[i].hdrRight - this.menus[i].width; this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.offsetY = this.height - this.border; this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.onmouseover = JDWITEMHeaderOn; this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.onmouseout = JDWITEMHeaderOff; if (JDWMinNS4) { this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.document.highLayer = this.menus[i].hdrHighLayer; this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.document.link = this.menus[i].items[0].link; this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP); this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.document.onmouseup = JDWITEMItemClick; } if (JDWMinIE4) { this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.highLayer = this.menus[i].hdrHighLayer; this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.link = this.menus[i].items[0].link; this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.onclick = JDWITEMItemClick; } } // Build the drop down menus. norm = '<table border=0 cellpadding=' + this.padding + ' cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr><td>' + '<span style="color:' + this.itmFgColor + ';' + 'font-family:' + this.itmFontFamily + ';' + 'font-size:' + this.itmFontSize + ';' + 'font-style:' + this.itmFontStyle + ';' + 'font-weight:' + this.itmFontWeight + ';">'; high = '<table border=0 cellpadding=' + this.padding + ' cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr><td>' + '<span style="color:' + this.itmHiFgColor + ';' + 'font-family:' + this.itmFontFamily + ';' + 'font-size:' + this.itmFontSize + ';' + 'font-style:' + this.itmFontStyle + ';' + 'font-weight:' + this.itmFontWeight + ';">'; end = '</span></td></tr></table>'; for (i = 0; i < this.menus.length; i++) { width = this.menus[i].width - 2 * this.border; str = ""; for (j = 1; j < this.menus[i].items.length; j++) { if (JDWMinNS4) str += '<layer name="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_menu' + i + '_norm' + j + '"' + ' width=' + width + '>' + norm + this.menus[i].items[j].text + end + '</layer>\n' + '<layer name="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_menu' + i + '_high' + j + '"' + ' width=' + width + '>' + high + this.menus[i].items[j].text + end + '</layer>\n' + '<layer name="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_menu' + i + '_dmmy' + j + '"' + ' width=' + width + '>' + '</layer>\n'; if (JDWMinIE4) { str += '<div id="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_menu' + i + '_norm' + j + '"' + ' style="position:absolute;width:' + width + 'px;">' + norm + this.menus[i].items[j].text + end + '</div>\n' + '<div id="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_menu' + i + '_high' + j + '"' + ' style="position:absolute;width:' + width + 'px;">' + high + this.menus[i].items[j].text + end + '</div>\n' + '<div id="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_menu' + i + '_dmmy' + j + '"' + ' style="position:absolute;width:' + width + 'px;">'; if (JDWMinIE55) str += '<table cellspacing=0 width="100%" height="100%"><tr><td> </td></tr></table>'; str += '</div>\n'; } } if (JDWMinNS4) { this.menus[i].baseLayer = new Layer(this.menus[i].width); this.menus[i].baseLayer.document.open(); this.menus[i].baseLayer.document.write(str); this.menus[i].baseLayer.document.close(); } if (JDWMinIE4) { str = '<div id="JDWITEM' + this.index + '_menu' + i + '"' + ' style="position:absolute;left:0px; top:0px;' + 'width:' + this.menus[i].width + 'px;visibility:hidden;">\n' + str + '</div>\n'; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", str); this.menus[i].baseLayer = getLayer("JDWITEM" + this.index + "_menu" + i); } } // Restore original scroll position in IE4. if (JDWMinIE4 && !JDWMinIE5) window.scrollTo(x, y); // Position and G6JDWinitialize each menu. for (i = 0; i < this.menus.length; i++) { moveLayerTo(this.menus[i].baseLayer, this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.offsetX, this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.offsetY); setBgColor(this.menus[i].baseLayer, this.borderColor); if (this.menus[i].items.length > 1) { this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.menuLayer = this.menus[i].baseLayer; if (JDWMinNS4) this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.document.menuLayer = this.menus[i].baseLayer; } else { this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.menuLayer = null; if (JDWMinNS4) this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.document.menuLayer = this.menus[i].baseLayer; } // Position and G6JDWinitialize each item in the menu. x = this.border; y = this.border; width = this.menus[i].width - 2 * this.border; for (j = 1; j < this.menus[i].items.length; j++) { this.menus[i].items[j].normLayer = getLayer('JDWITEM' + this.index + '_menu' + i + '_norm' + j); this.menus[i].items[j].highLayer = getLayer('JDWITEM' + this.index + '_menu' + i + '_high' + j); this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer = getLayer('JDWITEM' + this.index + '_menu' + i + '_dmmy' + j); height = getHeight(this.menus[i].items[j].normLayer); moveLayerTo(this.menus[i].items[j].normLayer, x, y); setBgColor(this.menus[i].items[j].normLayer, this.itmBgColor); clipLayer(this.menus[i].items[j].normLayer, 0, 0, width, height); inheritLayer(this.menus[i].items[j].normLayer); moveLayerTo(this.menus[i].items[j].highLayer, x, y); setBgColor(this.menus[i].items[j].highLayer, this.itmHiBgColor); clipLayer(this.menus[i].items[j].highLayer, 0, 0, width, height); hideLayer(this.menus[i].items[j].highLayer); moveLayerTo(this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer, x, y); if (JDWMinIE4) JDWITEMIEResizeLayer(this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer, width, height); clipLayer(this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer, 0, 0, width, height); inheritLayer(this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer); this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.highLayer = this.menus[i].items[j].highLayer; this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.onmouseover = JDWITEMItemOn; this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.onmouseout = JDWITEMItemOff; if (JDWMinNS4) { this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.document.highLayer = this.menus[i].items[j].highLayer; this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.document.parentHighLayer = this.menus[i].hdrHighLayer; this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.document.menuLayer = this.menus[i].baseLayer; this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.document.link = this.menus[i].items[j].link; this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP); this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.document.onmouseup = JDWITEMItemClick; } if (JDWMinIE4) { this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.highLayer = this.menus[i].items[j].highLayer; this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.parentHighLayer = this.menus[i].hdrHighLayer; this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.menuLayer = this.menus[i].baseLayer; this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.link = this.menus[i].items[j].link; this.menus[i].items[j].dmmyLayer.onclick = JDWITEMItemClick; } y += height + this.separator; } width = this.menus[i].width; height = y - this.separator + this.border; this.menus[i].baseLayer.width = this.menus[i].width; this.menus[i].baseLayer.height = height; if (JDWMinIE4) JDWITEMIEResizeLayer(this.menus[i].baseLayer, width, height); clipLayer(this.menus[i].baseLayer, 0, 0, width, height); this.menus[i].baseLayer.parentHighLayer = this.menus[i].hdrHighLayer; this.menus[i].baseLayer.onmouseout = ECSmenuOff; } this.created = true; this.resize(this.width); showLayer(this.baseLayer); } function JDWITEMHide() { if (this.created) hideLayer(this.baseLayer); } function JDWITEMShow() { if (this.created) showLayer(this.baseLayer); } function JDWITEMMoveTo(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; if (this.created) moveLayerTo(this.baseLayer, this.x, this.y); } function JDWITEMMoveBy(dx, dy) { this.x += dx; this.y += dy; if (this.created) moveLayerTo(this.baseLayer, this.x, this.y); } function JDWITEMGetzIndex() { if (this.created) return getzIndex(this.baseLayer); return 0; } function JDWITEMSetzIndex(z) { var i; if (this.created) { setzIndex(this.baseLayer, z); for (i = 0; i < this.menus.length; i++) setzIndex(this.menus[i].baseLayer, z); } } function JDWITEMGetWidth() { return this.width; } function JDWITEMGetMinWidth() { return this.minWidth; } function JDWITEMGetAlign() { return this.align; } function JDWITEMSetAlign(align) { this.align = align; if (this.created) this.resize(this.width); } function JDWITEMResize(width) { if (this.created) { this.width = Math.max(width, this.minWidth); if (JDWMinIE4) { JDWITEMIEResizeLayer(this.fillerLayer, this.width - 2 * this.border, this.height - 2 * this.border); JDWITEMIEResizeLayer(this.baseLayer, this.width, this.height); } clipLayer(this.fillerLayer, 0, 0, this.width - 2 * this.border, this.height - 2 * this.border); clipLayer(this.baseLayer, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); if (this.align == "left") this.hdrsOffsetX = 0; else if (this.align == "center") this.hdrsOffsetX = Math.round((this.width - this.minWidth) / 2); else if (this.align == "right") this.hdrsOffsetX = this.width - this.minWidth; else this.hdrsOffsetX = Math.min(parseInt(this.align, 10), this.width - this.minWidth); moveLayerTo(this.hdrsBaseLayer, this.hdrsOffsetX, 0); for (i = 0; i < this.menus.length; i++) { this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.offsetX = this.menus[i].hdrLeft - this.border; if (this.hdrsOffsetX + this.menus[i].hdrDmmyLayer.o