WML Tag Reference

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The Anchor Element - <anchor>

Defines a hot-spot in the content, bound to the go, prev, or refresh task. <anchor> tags are represented as hyperlinks. When the user selects the element, the associated task is executed.

  <go href="there"/>

Name Value Description
accesskey CDATA IMPLIED. Assigns an access key to the element.
class CDATA Associates the element with a defined class.
href HREF REQUIRED. Defines the location the browser loads when the link is selected.
id ID Sets the unique name for the element.
title CDATA IMPLIED. Text identifier for the element.
xml:lang NMTOKEN IMPLIED. Specifies the natural or formal language of an element.

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材料来源 http://www.wirelessdevnet.com/channels/refview.phtml?cat=wmltags 本电子书由gudai制作,仅供学习参考,如有意见,欢迎email:base5@126.com。或访问我的博客http://gudai.cnblogs.com