WML Tag Reference

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The Go Element - <go>

Declares a <go> task, indicating navigation to a URI.

<go href="#card1"/>

Name Value Description
href HREF REQUIRED. Defines the location the browser loads when the link is selected.
sendreferer BOOLEAN If TRUE, the user agent must specify the URI of the deck containg the task.
method (post|get) Specifies the HTTP submission method.
enctype ContentType Specifies the content type to be used to submit the parameter to the server when the method is "post". The default value for this attribute is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
cache-control no-cache If present and set to "no-cache", the client MUST reload the URL from the origin server.
accept-charset CDATA Specifies the list of character encodings for data that the origin server accepts when processing input.
class CDATA Associates the element with a defined class.
id ID Sets the unique name for the element.

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