WML Tag Reference

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The Meta Element - <meta>

Contains generic meta-information for the deck. A <meta> element must contain exactly one attribute specifing a property name.

  <meta content="charset" name="character-set=ISO-10646-UCS-2" />

Name Value Description
http-equiv CDATA May be used in place of name and indicates that the property should be interpreted as an HTTP header.
name NMTOKEN Specifies the name of the event binding.
forua BOOLEAN If FALSE, an intermediate agent MUST remove the meta element before the document is sent to the client.
content CDATA Specifies the property value.
scheme CDATA Specifies a form or structure that may be used to interpret the property value.

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材料来源 http://www.wirelessdevnet.com/channels/refview.phtml?cat=wmltags 本电子书由gudai制作,仅供学习参考,如有意见,欢迎email:base5@126.com。或访问我的博客http://gudai.cnblogs.com