Part VI: The secret of Zip and Rar (LZW explained) By Joa Koester (JoKo2000@HotMail.Com) This essay is free to be copied and read and spread as long as you are decent enough to leave my name in it. If you have corrections, comments, better examples than the ones used in this essay etc. - drop me a line. Last time i showed you how you could reach enormous crunch-ratios using the LZ77-technique. I wouldn't wonder if someone would build a protection system upon it. You'd just have to allocate some stackspace for your routine, decrunch it into the stack and execute it. You'd would have to switch to a decrunch-from-behind version and just by copying the decrunching routine into the stack the final crunches would overwrite the last decrunch-loop part thus immediately executing the decrunched routine afterwards.
But back to crunching. Soon after publishing the LZ77 alg Lempel and Ziv fumbled a little bit around and came up with another table-oriented crunching alg. While LZ77 used a Offset-Length pair to implement a reference to some already passed data, LZ78 walked a completely different path. Lempel and Ziv came up with an idea of directly addressing a table. In this table there would be the strings they passed. The only thing you'd have to do would be to derefernce the table entries down to the strings and you would have a crunch. The table would start with a null-string. One Byte would be read ahead. One acutal string would be initialized with this read-ahead byte. Then you'd check if you already had this string in your table. If not, you would output it and afterwards you'd add this string to your table. If you already had this string in your table you'd read another byte and add it to your string. It is important to notice that the last string to be output build up from a known string in the table plus a new char. Mark Nelson, a good source for crunching (next to Charles Bloom), shows this alg quite clear: for (;;) file://until the end of the file { act_phrase = 0; file://the zero string act_len = 0; memset (test_string, 0x00, MAX_STRING); //........................................................................... for (;;) { test_string[act_len++] = getc(input); new_phrase = search_phrase_in_table(test_string); // is test_string in // table? if (new_phrase == -1) // no { break; // then break out of inner loop } file://else act_phrase = new_phrase // else set new actual phrase } //........................................................................... file://Here we breaked out of the inner loop. This could happen, because of EOF or file://because a string could not be found in the table (in case of EOF this will file://happen, too, of course ;) output(act_phrase); file://output the reference of the table output(test_string[act_len -1] ); file://afterwards output the difference char add_string_to_table(test_string); file://and actualize table } Let's crunch the following term together: 0123456789a iwobiwoiwoi Our table is empty in the beginning except for a null-string at pos 1.
pos: 0 act_phrase = 0; act_len = 0; test_string = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00...] Ok, we enter the first char: i
...test_string[act_len++] = getc(input);... char: 'i' pos: 0 act_phrase = 0; act_len = 1; test_string = ['i', 0x00, 0x00...] table = [ {"", 0} ] After the search, new_phrase is -1, so we break
output(act_phrase); file://output the reference of the table output(test_string[act_len -1] ); file://afterwards output the difference char add_string_to_table(test_string); file://and actualize table
our output is: {0}i We output the act_phrase (0) and output the 'i' afterwards. Then we update the table with the 'i'-entry and jump back to our loop. pos: 1 act_phrase = 0; act_len = 0; test_string = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00...] enter char (w) char: 'w' pos: 1 act_phrase = 0; act_len = 1; test_string = ['w', 0x00, 0x00...] table = [ {"", 0}, {"i", 1} ] After the search, new_phrase is -1, so we break output(act_phrase); file://output the reference of the table output(test_string[act_len -1] ); file://afterwards output the difference char add_string_to_table(test_string); file://and actualize table We output the act_phrase (0) and output the 'w' afterwards. Then we update the table with the 'w'-entry and jump back to our loop. [...] for the chars 'o' and 'b' it's the same. We reenter on the next 'i' pos: 4 act_phrase = 0; act_len = 0; test_string = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00...] enter char (i) char: 'i' pos: 4 act_phrase = 0; act_len = 1; test_string = ['i', 0x00, 0x00...] table = [ {"", 0}, {"i", 1}, {"w", 2}, {"o", 3}, {"b", 4} ] new_phrase = search_phrase_in_table(test_string); // is test_string in // table? yes, it is, so act_phrase = new_phrase (1 in this case) and back to our inner loop. char: 'w' pos: 5 act_phrase = 1; act_len = 2; test_string = ['i', 'w', 0x00...] table = [ {"", 0}, {"i", 1}, {"w", 2}, {"o", 3}, {"b", 4} ] Do we have a 'iw' in our table? don't think so. That means next step we break. output(act_phrase); // (1 in this case) output(test_string[act_len -1] ); // (w in this case) add_string_to_table(test_string); and to the next char... char: 'o' pos: 6 act_phrase = 0; act_len = 1; test_string = ['o', 0x00, 0x00...] table = [ {"", 0}, {"i", 1}, {"w", 2}, {"o", 3}, {"b", 4}, {"iw", 5} ]
well, we have an 'o' in our table, so the string is extended with the next char: 'i'. char: 'i' pos: 7 act_phrase = 3; act_len = 1; test_string = ['o', 'i', 0x00...] table = [ {"", 0}, {"i", 1}, {"w", 2}, {"o", 3}, {"b", 4}, {"iw", 5} ] Some 'oi' here? No, sir. no 'oi' here. We break and write:
output(act_phrase); // (3 in this case) output(test_string[act_len -1] ); // (i in this case) add_string_to_table(test_string); the next char is the 'w': char: 'w' pos: 8 act_phrase = 0; act_len = 1; test_string = ['w', 0x00, 0x00...] table = [ {"", 0} , {"i", 1}, {"w", 2}, {"o", 3}, {"b", 4}, {"iw", 5}, {"oi", 6} ] after adding the next char (coz 'w' is in our table) we have: char: 'o' pos: 9 act_phrase = 3; act_len = 1; test_string = ['w', 'o', 0x00...] table = [ {"", 0}, {"i", 1}, {"w", 2}, {"o", 3}, {"b", 4}, {"iw", 5}, {"oi", 6} ] Some 'wo' here? Nope. We break and write: output(act_phrase); // (2 in this case) output(test_string[act_len -1] ); // (o in this case) add_string_to_table(test_string); The final char (plus EOF) is confronted with the following table: table = [ {"", 0} , {"i", 1}, {"w", 2}, {"o", 3}, {"b", 4}, {"iw", 5}, {"oi", 6}, {"wo", 7} ] then the i+EOF is added to the table. The output we produced so far (spaces inserted for clarity):
{0}i {0}w {0}o {0}b {1}w {3}i {2}o {1}EOF Hmm. This doesn't look like an algorithm which produces good results in small files. But think about this: if there would have been another "iwo" at the end of the file instead the 'i' we would have coded {5}o thus saving us two bytes. And for the next 'iwo' we would have had a new table entry ready. This means that the algorithm manages inequally long strings with just one entry reference. If our reference is shorter than the string, we crunch. Normally we achieve an increasing crunch-ratio after ca. 100 bytes. From that moment on our table begins to fill with strings longer than one byte and from that moment on we save bits with every reference we write. I have a question, sir... Yes, Watson? This table-reference - how big should that table be and how do we code the reference? And while i'm at the point: How do we search the table? This will be the most time-consuming part, i think. And, oh yes, what if the table is full? You are absolutely right, Watson. Good questions!
OK! How do we search the table FAST? Well, to be honest, i do not prefer one method over the other. One good method would be to implement a hash-table. In C++ you would implment a Set of Strings and hope that the implementation from your compiler vendor is fast enough to handle some 100 Kbyte Strings. Another way would be to allocate a biiiiig amount of memory (premise: size MOD 256 == 0), divide it by 256 and reserve these chunks for the according ascii-values). With this method you would have equally long maximumsized strings ready for binary-searching and overwriting. These chunks would then be filled with the string and a timestamp. if our chunk was full, the next time we would have to add a string we would delete the earliest one (or maybe two or three) and could add the new string. I know that this method screams "RAM WASTE!!! RAM WASTE!!!", but let me tell you that the ACB-cruncher from George Buyanovsky needs 16 MByte RAM in one chunk to work. We will deal with 256 MByte RAM on every average PC within the next 5 years. Not just because RAM gets cheaper every minute, but because the average user wants to scan and digitize things (in 1998: buy three CDs or a scanner. What do you think we will be in 5 years?). A good tablesearch-algorithm is the stand-or-fall part of the cruncher. As far as i'm concerned: Let the cruncher take as much memory as possible. If you have 32 MB reserved in one piece and you want a maximum stringlen of 128 Byte per string you will have 33554432 / 256 = 131072 Bytes per chunk. And 131072 / 128 = 1024 Strings per chunk. The more you reduce your stringlen, the more strings you can pack into the chunk. Reducing the maximum stringlen down to 64 brings you 4096 strings per chunk. This is quite good. 4096 strings just for one ascii-slot. Well, the way we code the reference is completely ours. We should take a look back to our LZ77 essay and let our phantasy roam. From the most stupid 8+12 bit reference (gives us crunching only at minimum 4 byte strinlen) to unary + your_stuff - everything is possible. However it should be fast. The coding part is pretty easy, isn't it? You could theoretically write a LZ78 cruncher in Visual Basic in a few hours and it would actually work. And what about the decoding part? Well, no problems here, too. The decruncher starts with the same emptied model (emptied table) as the cruncher:
New_String = Take the first code from decoding a bit_input output NewString take the next char output it add char to New_String add New_String into table. repeat until EOF
//............................................................................. While this method is pretty good and pretty easy to implement, 1984 Terry Welch came up with a fundamental improvement of this algorithm. Since then the term LZW is also common. Welch had the idea that one could pre-create a table (with the first 256 possible chars) and that the algorithm would only output table-references. With this trick one could create a huffman-tree for all those codes one writes thus letting us write even fewer bits (there is a method of writing even fewer bits than Huffman - arithmetic coding, but we'll come to this later). So, how does this LZW work? Let's have a look: The basic LZW-algorithm: file://Read ahead because we definitively know every single char oldString[0] = getc(input); oldString[1] = 0x00; while (! eof(input)) { c = getc(input); file://We get the second string from our input strcpy(newString, oldString); file://and save the oldstring into the search file://string. The first time the oldstring is file://our very first char of our input. But file://later it will be longer strings. strncat (newString, &c, 1); file://add the actual read char to the file://actual string if (stringInTable(newString)) file://when the string is already in the table { strcpy (oldString, newString) file://take it as oldString and read the next char } else file://else { code = searchTable(oldString);//get the code for the last known String output (code); file://and output it addStringToTable(newString); file://add the new String for the next time oldString[0] = c; file://and start again with the latest unknown oldString[1] = 0x00; file://char } } Looks pretty easy, ain't it? Well, it is. Let's crunch the our little source again (this time a little longer): 0123456789abcde iwobiwoiwoiwoix
(We have a table, where the first 256 (0 - 255) entries are occupied with the corresponding values) Let's trace the steps of the cruncher. Maybe you should print the above typed source for checking.
oldstring = ( 'i', 0x00 ) (we enter the loop) (Pos = 0) c = 'w' newString = ( 'i', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'iw', 0x00 ) (no, we don't have 'iw' in our table yet) code = searchTable(oldString) file://oldString = 'i', 0x00 output (code) file://i addString (newString) oldString[0] = 'w' oldString[1] = 0x00 (back to the top of the loop) (Pos = 1) (our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'} ] oldstring = ( 'w', 0x00 ) c = 'o' newString = ( 'w', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'wo', 0x00 ) (no, we don't have 'wo' in our table yet) code = searchTable(oldString) file://oldString = 'w', 0x00 output (code) file://w addString (newString) oldString[0] = 'o' oldString[1] = 0x00 (back to the top of the loop) (Pos = 2) (our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'} ] oldstring = ( 'o', 0x00 ) c = 'o' newString = ( 'b', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'ob', 0x00 ) (no, we don't have 'ob' in our table yet) code = searchTable(oldString) file://oldString = 'o', 0x00 output (code) file://o addString (newString) oldString[0] = 'b' oldString[1] = 0x00 (back to the top of the loop) (Pos = 3) (our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'}, {258, 'ob'} ] oldstring = ( 'b', 0x00 ) c = 'i' newString = ( 'b', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'bi', 0x00 ) (no, we don't have 'bi' in our table yet) code = searchTable(oldString) file://oldString = 'b', 0x00 output (code) file://i addString (newString) oldString[0] = 'i' oldString[1] = 0x00 (Now we will have something to crunch :) (back to the top of the loop) (Pos = 4) (our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'}, {258, 'ob'}, {259, 'bi'} ] oldstring = ( 'i', 0x00 ) c = 'w' newString = ( 'i', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'iw', 0x00 ) (YES, we have 'iw' in our table ) oldString = ( 'iw', 0x00) (back to the top of the loop) oldString = ( 'iw', 0x00) c = 'o' newString = ( 'iw', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'iwo', 0x00 ) (no, we don't have 'iwo' in our table yet)
code = searchTable(oldString) file://oldString = 'iw', 0x00 output (code) file://[256] addString (newString) oldString[0] = 'o' oldString[1] = 0x00 (back to the top of the loop) (Pos = 6) (our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'}, {258, 'ob'}, {259, 'bi'}, {260, 'iwo'} ]
oldstring = ( 'o', 0x00 ) c = 'i' newString = ( 'o', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'oi', 0x00 ) (no, we don't have 'oi' in our table yet) code = searchTable(oldString) file://oldString = 'o', 0x00 output (code) file://o addString (newString) oldString[0] = 'i' oldString[1] = 0x00 (back to the top of the loop) (Pos = 7) (our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'}, {258, 'ob'}, {259, 'bi'}, {260, 'iwo'}, {261, 'oi'} ]
oldstring = ( 'i', 0x00 ) c = 'w' newString = ( 'i', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'iw', 0x00 ) (YES, we have a 'iw' in our table) oldString = ( 'iw', 0x00) (back to the top of the loop) oldString = ( 'iw', 0x00) c = 'o' newString = ( 'iw', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'iwo', 0x00 ) (YES, we have a 'iwo' in our table) oldString = ( 'iwo', 0x00) (back to the top of the loop) oldString = ( 'iwo', 0x00) c = 'i' newString = ( 'iwo', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'iwoi', 0x00 ) (no, we don't have 'iwoi' in our table yet)
code = searchTable(oldString) file://oldString = 'iwo', 0x00 output (code) file://260 addString (newString) oldString[0] = 'i' oldString[1] = 0x00 (back to the top of the loop) (Pos = a) (our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'}, {258, 'ob'}, {259, 'bi'}, {260, 'iwo'}, {261, 'oi'}, {262, 'iwoi'} ]
oldstring = ( 'i', 0x00 ) c = 'w' newString = ( 'i', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'iw', 0x00 ) (YES, we have a 'iw' in our table) oldString = ( 'iw', 0x00) (back to the top of the loop) oldString = ( 'iw', 0x00) c = 'o' newString = ( 'iw', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'iwo', 0x00 ) (YES, we have a 'iwo' in our table) oldString = ( 'iwo', 0x00) (back to the top of the loop) oldString = ( 'iwo', 0x00) c = 'i' newString = ( 'iwo', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'iwoi', 0x00 ) (YES, we have a 'iwoi' in our table) oldString = ( 'iwoi', 0x00) (back to the top of the loop) oldString = ( 'iwoix', 0x00) c = 'x' newString = ( 'iwoi', 0x00 ) newString = ( 'iwoix', 0x00 ) (no, we don't have 'iwoix' in our table yet)
code = searchTable(oldString) file://oldString = 'iwo', 0x00 output (code) file://262 addString (newString) oldString[0] = 'x' oldString[1] = 0x00 So, our output would look something like this: iwob[256]o[260][262] Hey, we have two codes directly. Does this make trouble when decrunching?
Well, let's see how we would decrunch our little baby: file://Well, we know that the first character is uncrunchable, so let's output it file://directly oldString[0] = decode(input()) oldString[1] = 0x00;
putString(oldString); newCode = input() file://We get a new inputCode while (newCode != EOF) { newString = searchInTable(newCode); file://We have to have it in our table putString(newString); file://then we output it strncat (oldString, &newString[0], 1); file://the oldstring is concatenated by file://the first char of the freshly read file://string addString (oldString); file://this string is then added to the file://table strcpy (oldString, newString); file://then the freshly read string is file://from now on our new base newCode = input() file://We get a new inputCode } OK, let's trace this alg when we decrunch our crunch:
iwob[256]o[260][262] Our table has the table entries 0 - 255 filled with the corresponding values. oldString[0] = 'i'; oldString[1] = 0x00; putString(oldString); file://i is output newCode = 'w'; (enter loop) newString = 'w' Output 'w' file://w is output oldString = 'iw' file://build up new String // file://and add it to the table oldString = 'w' newCode = 'o' our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'} ] (enter loop) newString = 'o' Output 'o' file://o is output oldString = 'wo' file://build up new String // file://and add it to the table oldString = 'o' newCode = 'b' our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'} ] (enter loop) newString = 'b' Output 'b' file://b is output oldString = 'ob' file://build up new String // file://and add it to the table oldString = 'b' newCode = [256] our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'}, {258, 'ob'} ] (enter loop) newString = 'iw' Output 'iw' file://iw is output oldString = 'bi' file://build up new String (just the first char from the file://new String) // file://and add it to the table oldString = 'iw' newCode = 'o' our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'}, {258, 'ob'}, {259, 'bi'} ] (enter loop) newString = 'o' Output 'o' file://o is output oldString = 'iwo' file://build up new String // file://and add it to the table
oldString = 'o' newCode = [260] our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'}, {258, 'ob'}, {259, 'bi'}, {260, 'iwo'} ] (enter loop) newString = 'iwo' Output 'iwo' file://o is output oldString = 'oi' file://build up new String (just the first char) // file://and add it to the table oldString = 'iwo' newCode = [262] our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'}, {258, 'ob'}, {259, 'bi'}, {260, 'iwo'} {261, 'oi'} ] (enter loop) newString = CRASH !!! CRASH Damn. I knew it. The cruncher added a code and used it immediately and the decruncher can't use it as it doesn't know how to create it. Or does it??? Hmmmm.... Ok, ok, i lied. I knew it all the time that this constellation was deadly for our decruncher. This behaviour appears, whenever the cruncher meets a constellation like (iwo b iwo iwo iwo) where the last character of a crunch is the beginning of the next sequence. This leads to creating table-entries which the decruncher can not foresee. But lucky us - this is the only case when this happens. A little if-clause will just catch the null-pointer and just fetch the oldString and copy it to newString. Then we add the first char of newString to the end of newString. Then we continue as always. The if-clause could look like this: if (newString == null) { char c[2] file://we still know oldString strcpy (newString, oldString) char c[0] = newString[0]; char c[1] = 0x00; strcat (newString, c); } With this clause let's restart from the last part: our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'}, {258, 'ob'}, {259, 'bi'}, {260, 'iwo'} ] (enter loop) newString = 'iwo' Output 'iwo' file://o is output oldString = 'oi' file://build up new String (just the first char) // file://and add it to the table oldString = 'iwo' newCode = [262] our table has the 256 entries plus [ {256, 'iw'}, {257, 'wo'}, {258, 'ob'}, {259, 'bi'}, {260, 'iwo'} {261, 'oi'} ] (enter loop) newString = null if (newString = null) { newString = 'iwo' newString = 'iwoi' file://First character added again } Output 'iwoi' file://iwoi is output oldString = 'iwoi' file://build up new String (just the first char) // file://and add it to the table ... and then we have our entry 262.
Phew. You see when you try this on your own, that there is a lot of room for improvement. But this is the basic algorithm and as now know the secrets of LZW you know what RAR and ZIP are doing. I have some sources i can mail you, if you want. All right, next time i'll explain something related to Huffman -
The Arithmetic Crunching Method (tataaa... :-) (how can i crunch 0.74 bits ???) Greetings from a programmer,
Joa |