FlashPac II - Download
Download the free desktop stand-alone version of "FlashPac II" now!
Available for Windows and Mac OS X! – Current version: 2.2
(Be sure to read the "Read Me"-file – there is code for extra levels enclosed!)
LEGAL: Site information and data according to the Austrian e-commerce act is to be found at the mass:werk info page and firmena-z.wko.at/ecg.asp?mg=0309494.
"FlashPac II" is the second edition of "FlashPac". Here is a short list of it's amazing features:
- New graphics adjusted for hires displays.
- Colored mazes
- Three different sets of predefined mazes.
- Editable user levels
- The unique FlashPac-maze generator for an unlimited number of different mazes and endless fun.
- Even refined ghost's AI.
- Increasing difficulty with higher levels.
- Detached window and fullscreen mode (default).
- And: Even smoother performance!
(As compared to the web edition.)
- And at least: A high-score, finally :-).
- User settings
Adjustable colors, steering, zap high-scores.
- A configureable demo mode that turns FlashPac into a screen saver. – Never get annoyed with the TV anymore!
- Built-in level editor.
Build, test, and share the levels of your dreams.
- Build-in level manager:
Edit, sort, rename, delete your levels.
- Export and import levels.
- Share your favorite levels with your friends.
- Even mail them (it's just XML-cod).
- FlashPac's unique random maze generator delivers an unlimited number of different levels.
- Never play the same mazes twice anymore!
- The generated mazes now even get a name assigned.
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