JS/UIX - Terminal

> open terminal 

JS/UIX is an UN*X-like OS for standard web-browsers, written
entirely in JavaScript (no plug-ins used). It comprises a vir-
tual machine, shell, virtual file-system, process-management,
and brings its own terminal with screen- and keyboard-mapping.

For an overview of implemented commands have a look at the
complete > JS/UIX-Manual-Pages; see also the > Version-History.

The keyboard accepts the US-ASCII character set.
As key-mapping depends from your browser, you may have to use
the cursor and backspace buttons at the lower right of the
terminal. A complete keyboard can be accessed at the lower left.

Compatibility: Netscape 4+, MS IE 4+ and DOM-aware browsers.

JS/UIX is not a free software. For a free to use terminal-
interfaces have a look at mass:werk termlib.js.

© 2003 mass:werk, N.Landsteiner
Alternate key mappings (may depend on system and browser): 
    CTRL + SHIFT + [KEYPAD]<4> for left
    CTRL + SHIFT + [KEYPAD]<6> for right
    CTRL + SHIFT + [KEYPAD]<8> for up
    CTRL + SHIFT + [KEYPAD]<2> for down
    CTRL + SHIFT + [KEYPAD]<0> for backspace.

Note/Disclaimer: No data of any kind is transmitted to any kind of
server or service. JS/UIX is demo software and provided "as is".

For technical information see the: > JS/UIX documentation.

KEYWORDS: JS/UIX, JavaScript virtual UN*X, JavaScript virtual OS, JavaScript virtual Operating System, virtual Operating System for web browsers, JavaScript UNIX emulator
http://www.masswerk.at/jsuix/ by Norbert Landsteiner