Create Your forums: 1. Click on "New Topcategory " 2. Type My Headforum 3. Click save 4. Now have we created the first headforum: ![]() 5. Click on "New Category" 6. Choose TopCategory, (choose that you created last.) 7. Type :My first Subforum" in the headline. 8 Type: Welcome to my first subforum. in the description field. 9 Click save. So now we have created a sub forum to Headforum: ![]() |
Sorting Forums: You can sort your forums: ![]() Just enter a number in the fields. If you want MyHeadforum to be nr 1 just type 1 in the field And My head forum2 as nr 2, enter nr 2 i the feild. And sort your Sub forums the same way.
Sorted forum: