Help for access
For Users thats run 1.11(update)

1. Create a directory in you wwwroot
2. Copy all yor files with default dirs
3. Goto the /includes/databaseopen.asp
4. Please enter the path to the database (itīs usally: path = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Where u create you forumdir\ZixForum.mdb")
5. Right click on the ZixForum.mdb and change the permissions, so we have write and read permisson.

1. Goto www.yourforumdir/theadmin/
2. Enter admin in the userfield and admin i the passfield.(change this soon as possible in admin)
3. Now click on the "Settings":

Here is a little help:

If Active is checked: ZixForum use that layout
If "Use frames" checked: Zix forums shows in frames.
If Use PopUp checked: Zix forum shows in a popupwindow.
Note: You cannot have both "Use frames" and "Use popup" checked at the same time
If none is checked: zixforum shows in nonframemode


Forum open: If checked the forum is open else your forum is closed.
Type and check all your settings as you like!